

Entries in Funny (23)


World's Longest Basketball Shot

I'm not sure if this is actually the longest shot or not. I don't even know if this is real or fake. I do know that for every 100,000 views they receive, the guys will sponsor an impoverished child through an organization called Compassion International. Check them out if you get a chance at

Monday Morning Wake Up Call: GAME WEEK!

As we head into our first actual game week of the year, we want to remind our readers that...actually, we don't want to remind you of anything, we just want you to enjoy this really great, nationally televised chick fight. The funniest part of this whole quarrel is the dude in the brown shirt letting this whole thing play on. Play on, Playa.


College Football Tailgating Two-A-Days

College Football is now exactly two weeks away! What are you doing to get in shape? Are you clocking your speed at packing and unpacking your tailgate machine? Are you shaving seconds off your bathroom times? Are you spending enough time during the day dreaming about how it would be like to rush the field if your team beats their biggest rival? I think it's time to kick in two-a-day tailgating practices, if you aren't feeling up to the challenge. This is great video of how to do that with a whole lot of bad acting, but we still love it. After all, 15,000 views in 1 week can't be wrong.

Steelers Tailgate Chest Bumps Go Wrong

I don't know what I'm more impressed with, the guy who laid the smacketh down, or the dude wearing a tank top in that weather.

Tailgating Unassisted Keg Stands Gone Wrong

There is one right way to do a keg stand, and so many unassisted wrong ways. Warning: We DO NOT encourage "Unassisted Keg Stands," but we love to watch them.

Example 1:

Example 2:


The Buffalo Bills Army Tailgate

It’s Friday! We'll leave you with a feel good video to get your weekend off to the right start. I don’t even know where to begin with this one. First off, when I grow up, I want to be the guy in the neon cap. As for the guy hanging on the flag pole, play on, my friend, play on. And then when you thought this video couldn’t get any better, you have a mock tailgate showdown on top of the bus that ends with a chant of U.S.A.!! Happy Friday, everyone!

Kentucky Derby Infield Tour

Unless you live under a rock, you may have heard some say today may be the best Sports Saturday of the year. Well, we only have one thing on our mind today, and that is, “Why aren’t we in the Kentucky Derby Infield right this minute??” Join Marcus Riley as he takes you on a tour of good ‘ol times mixed in with a little debauchery. The video is two years old, but we are pretty sure that the same rules still apply. And if you need any tips on how to sneak alcohol into a venue, be sure to pay attention around the 2-minute mark.

Dodgers Do Away With Tailgating Before Games

Manny Ramirez Stadium FightIf you are thinking about getting down to Dodger Stadium before game time to sip down some American brouhaha before watching America's pastime, think again! We can't help but think it had something to do with the moron dressed up as Manny Ramirez who threw his beer at the cop, causing a melee during the final game of the N.L.C.S. last year. As Pam said on "The Office" on Thursday night, "When a child gets behind the wheel of a car, and runs the car into a tree, you don't blame the child. He didn't know any better. You blame the 30-year-old woman, who got in the passenger seat and said 'Drive, kid.'" Here is the official statement from the organization:

Click to read more ...


A Back Full of Tailgate Pavement!

Here is a shortie, but goodie from the fine folks at The moral of story goes as follows: "Go ahead, and down a 6-beer funnel, but be prepared to pay consequences." If you guys have a better moral to this story go ahead and comment below...

Tailgating 1300 Miles Away

This would definitely be the ultimate example of bringing the tailgate to you. These fans get an A+ for this performance, and all we can hope is that their neighbors aren't Alabama or PETA fans.