Purdue Packs a Punch with Tailgate Short Bus
Headed for its sixth season of service, the Purdue Short Bus has become a tailgating legend in front of Ross-Ade Stadium. The bus was originally purchased in June of 2004, after its founding members discovered the perfect fit during an online search. After seeing some early action serving as a wedding party transporter for one of its members, the Tailgate Short Bus faced its first days of service during the 2004 Purdue Football Season.
During its transformation, the short bus was first professionally painted black before gold accents were added to the outside. The back two rows of seats were cleared, and green astro turf was installed to make room for all those tailgate goodies. The dash also recieved a fresh coat of paint as it was painted black to match the outside. Also, a cd player and speakers were added to created the perfect tailgating atmosphere!
In 2005, the bus and its tailgating experience were upgraded when a keg tap was mounted on the outside for easy beer access. In addition, a bar was added inside to house the keg, and provide for extra storage. That season, they also began their tradition, which stands till this day, of having its patrons sign the short bus' ceiling.
The Purdue Short Bus continues to go strong till this day, and you can find the bus tailgating before home games at Slayter Hill.

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