The CTU: Chicago Tailgating Unit
Here's another great ambulance conversion from Chicago. The Chicago Tailgating Unit (CTU for short) is the creation of Dale Musick and Patrick Tyler. Check out their work below.
When did you get the rig?
December 2013
What was it used for before you got it?
It was an ambulance for the Forest View Fire Department In Illinois-I found it on Craigslist
How long did the restoration take?
Restoration took about 4 months-Mainly removing all the old decals, fixing a few mechanical issues, dressing up the inside, buying accesories. Luckily my brother in law Dennis Medows and Father in law Ken Medows own Medows Construction and had a large heated shop for me to spend many hours using this winter. Chicago's average temperature this winter was lower than Anchorage Alaska. If it wasn't for them I would still be working on trying to get it ready.
How many people do you have tailgate with you?
Our immediate group is usually about 8-10 but we do a few events like White Sox Elvis night at US Cellular field where we get upwards of 80 tailgate guests
What are the cool features?
Our Custom CTU (Chicago Tailgating Unit) Logo that features the logos of the Chicago Blackhawks, Chicago White Sox, Chicago Bears, and the Northern Illinois Huskies, that my buddy Patrick (who is in this venture with me) and I both went to College. My Coworker Rick Knoll helped me with the logos and my brother Don is a printer and printed the vehicle skins for me. A Beer Keg system, Wireless and Cordless sound system for the exterior, Granite Countertop on the inside, Remote control LED lighting for the inside, Limo Tint for the rear compartment, dual hitch mounted Party King MVP Tailgate Grills. Honda 2000i generator, dual 24 foot telescopic flagpoles mounted to the front of the box, and of course a backup camera !
What is your favorite feature?
The Grills and the custom hitch we made for them. Never seen anyone else with that. That was Patrick's idea, he hit a home run with that one !
What kind of plans do you have for the future?
For this season we have a few White Sox games on the schedule, Demolition Derby at the Route 66 Speedway, Nascar at Chicagoland Speedway, Jimmy Buffett, NIU Football games at home and away and hope to pick up a few Chicago Bears games. We have also had the CTU in a local St Patricks Day parade where we switched the beer tap and used it for a keg of Root Beer and handed it out to the crowd. We are going to redo the upholstery with a black grey and red theme. That should keep us going for a while
How long have you been tailgating?
Since our NIU days back in 1986.
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Posted in
Tailgate Rigs by
Charley | Tagged
Chicago Bears
Chicago Blackhawks
Chicago White Sox
Northern Illinois Huskies
Tailgate Rigs