The RV Butler: Treat Yourself to a Full Service Tailgate
A newer trend in tailgating is the full service tailgate. Companies are popping up all around the country to help people tailgate when they don't have the setup to do so on their own. The turnkey tailgate, if you will. One such survice is the RV Butler. Here are some services that the RV Butler offers:
- Tailgating to NCAA, NFL, MLB games within a 4 hour drive from Chicago. (they've gone to Indianapolis Colts games, Notre Dame games, Chicago Bears, Green Bay Packers, University of Illinois, Purdue University, and local White Sox games)
- One Day family water park trips to places like Wisconsin Dells, Ceder Point, OH (or other parks within the same 4 hour drive)
- Birthday parties, to water parks. RV Butler has taken groups of 12 girls to Wisconsin Dells for the day, for a birthday party.
- Casino parties to Places like Michigan
- Groups to conventions
- Trade shows
- Candidate campaigns (place their banner on the side of the RV and escort them and their staff to other cites while they campaign)
ALL of the above packages include transportation, food, and drinks. RV Butler will design their menus to match the customers request. They can go from burgers to steak, seafood to sushi. They have a certified chef on staff to prepare the food.

We realize this service is not for everyone. But why rent an RV when they can do all the work for you? RV Butler will do the set up, driving, cooking, cleaning, serving, and return you and your guest to your original pick up point. Yes, customers can rent a conventional passanger van, or a tour bus. But RV Butler will give you the same ride, with comfort, style, food, and drinks, for close to the same price.
Find out more about The RV Butler at:
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Tailgate Rigs by
Charley | Tagged
Full Service
RV Butler
Tailgate Rigs
Turnkey Tailgate

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