


New Tailgating Game: Polish Horseshoes

Polish Horseshoe

It seems like everyday we learn about more and more tailgating games that keep surfacing across parking lots across the country. However, this is the first game that we have heard of that requires you to be holding a beer in hand during game play, or face penalty. Now that I have your attention, I'd like to present Polish Horseshoe, which is also known as Frisbeer or Beersbie.

The game involves two team members trying to knock down the other's team beer can off the pole with a Frisbee. We, of course, recommend using a soda can to avoid any unnecessary beer spillage. Much like regular horseshoes, there are different points awarded for different types of results.

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Aug172010's Polar Pitcher's Polar Pitcher

There are a couple of things that can really put a damper on your tailgate. The first of these things is this, and second is skunky beer.'s Polar Pitcher can’t help you with the first thing, but it sure can help with the second.

This pitcher features a steel chamber that is capable of holding ice to keep your beer cold at the core. Simply, load the chamber up from the bottom with ice; fill the pitcher with a tailgate-approved beer, and the liquid in the pitcher will be kept cold. Or you even have the option of filling the cooling cylinder with water, and freezing over night for better results.’s Polar Pitcher is made of polycarbonate construction, and carries a max capacity of 60 oz.


Monday Morning Wake Up Call: Oregon

Oregon Cheerleader

The Monday Morning Wake Up Call is headed out west this week, and landing right in the PAC 10 (er, PAC whatever they are calling themselves these days). When it comes to uniforms, Oregon has got it down to an absolute science. It helps having Nike in your backyard.

If you have an image you want to submit for consideration for the Monday Morning Wake Up Call, please visit our Submit A Story Page.


UCF's Knight Force One

UCF's Knight Force Once

With the success of Monday’s Wake Up Call, we are going to keep it moving with UCF this week, and bring out Knight Force One. They have been a game day staple since September of 2007, which coincides with the opening of the Knights’ on campus stadium, Brighthouse Networks Stadium.

View the full story to see all the pictures and video of Knight Force One.

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Hire A Professional Bottle Opener at Your Next Tailgate

If your tailgate requires the opening of 200 beer bottles in a minute and 20 seconds, here's the guy you need to hire. He's has the talent and determination to make that feat possible.


Monday Morning Wake Up Call: UCF

UCF Tailgate Girls

Proof that the State of Florida is not just littered with football talent. Here is the off-the-field talent.

If you have an image you want to submit for consideration for the Monday Morning Wake Up Call, please visit our Submit A Story Page.


The All-In-One Cooler Chair

The All-In-One Cooler Chair

Tailgating is all about portability and innovation, and it revolves around the idea of making one object serve the purpose of 3. This fold-up lounger does just that while keeping your drinks cool. It serves as a cooler, a chair, and a backpack. The seat is available in your choice of four colors, has a shoulder carrying-strap, and expands to reveal a cleverly stashed cooler under its polyester seat. The built-in insulated cooler has room for a six-pack and ice or cold packs to keep it cool.

Max weight for the seat is 250 lbs.

You can purchase the seat at Travel Chair.


Monday Morning Wake Up Call: South Carolina 2

South Carolina Tailgate Girls Party Down

The Monday Morning Wake Up Call is back! We are going to kick it off in the SEC with some South Carolina girls partying down at a good ol' fashion tailgate.

If you have an image you want to submit for consideration for the Monday Morning Wake Up Call, please visit our Submit A Story Page.


GO! Chassi Grill N Chill with On-Board Stereo

GO! Chassi Grill N Chill

The GO! Grill N Chill System allows you to bring a full-sized infrared grill right to your tailgate spot. For those of you unfamiliar with infrared grilling, here is a little lesson. In a gas grill, the cooking surface of the grill is heated by a direct flame, whereas in an infrared grill, the fuel source heats up the infrared element, which in turn transfers infrared radiation for cooking foods. I have to be honest that I was a bit skeptical until I gave it a go, and it is my preferred way to grill when time doesn’t allow for charcoal.

Aside from the grill, the GO! Grill N Chill System features a 210-watt on-board marine stereo. The sound system comes equipped with dual marine grade speakers, CD player and is satellite radio ready. The professional grade stainless steel 50 quart ice chests are outfitted with integrated drain systems and dual butcher block lids that double as prep surfaces. They are prepared to carry both hot and cold food stores depending on your needs.

Details of the GO! Chassi Grill N ChillWith the Grill N Chill mounted to the GO! Chassi, and its patented Hitch and GO! Design, units are easily attached to a vehicle using the hand cranked scissor lift. When attached, the entire weight is transferred to the hitch, safely suspending the GO! Chassi and its payload above the road surface.

If you think this is the grill for you, get ready to disk out about 3K on this lovely piece of tailgating beauty. You can check out more information at their website.


Country Roads, Take Me Home: WVU Tailgate Van

West Virginia Tailgate VanJohn Stimer, who is one of our readers, and a giant West Virginia Football fan, sent us this 1988 Ford E150 Econoline Conversion Tailgate Van. Even though it is well over 20 years old, there are only 88,000 miles on the original engine, and it was actually bought for $1,800, which is a steal with that many miles.

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